Tuesday 17 January 2017

Black Friday
Black Friday for British people is known as a day that all if not most stores have a 'big discount sale' that can for some places last for up to a day at the least and a week at the most. Therefore Black Friday isn't celebrated in the UK as there isn't much meaning behind it. The term Black Friday and all the meanings behind it originated from America and that's all that most people know when it comes to the day.
Image result for black friday uk
    The original meaning behind black Friday that not many people know is that the title itself 'Black' refers to stores moving from the 'red' to the 'black'. When accounting records use to be recorded by hand the red ink they used would mean a loss and black would mean profit. How it all started was the Macy's thanksgiving day parade in 1924 in America so the Friday after thanksgiving has been known ever since as the 'unofficial' start to the holiday season shopping. This was recognised by retailers that they could attract people to their stores by discounting prices and that's how sale on the Friday started off.
    Image result for macy's thanksgiving day parade
    Unfortunately over the years especially in America black Friday has become quite dangerous as their have been so many reports on violence between shoppers because everyone is fighting to get 'the best deals'. There has even been 7 reported deaths since 2006 in the United States which is horrible to think about people undeservingly dying all over getting a 'good discount'. Most people on black Friday camp outside the shop to ensure on them being the first in line to get a good deal.Image result for black friday in america
In 2010 Britain was introduced to black Fridays deals for the first time, when amazon decided to treat us with some discounted deals on their online shop but not many people even noticed this. Before that the sales that where around the holiday time like black Fridays was the traditional boxing day sales. Then in 2013 Asda, which is owned by Walmart (an American retail store), had a black Friday sale for the first time offering discounts on things such as TV's and laptops etc. This created madness as people went crazy for the sales and it even made I into the media which kick started the beginning of the UKs black Fridays sales.

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